If you want to write emails, post something in a social network or simply order something online, you always have to log in with your own username and password. For every email account, every social network and every online store you need your own password, and it should be as secure as possible!
But why is it important to use secure passwords and what does a secure password actually look like?
Authentic Context. There is no clear answer what a good password is. A good password must be relativly secure and the user has to be able to memorize it.
Besides that students have to develop and test criteria for a good password that works for themselves.
Authentic Contexts are characterized as follows:
Generic tasks should be used, i.e., tasks which product might be an outcome in the real world (of work) or, at least, are similar in such a way that it illustrates how real world (of work) problems are solved.
Optionally, these tasks include…